Student projects

Research is often performed by executing projects with students in individual member organizations or across a set of member organizations (for example in the scope of one of the ESCF communities). In the connection of talent, knowledge and network, student projects are crucial. TU/e bachelor, master and PhD students are actively involved in projects at companies during their thesis work. The finest academic knowledge is used by our greatest talents to help our members and enrich the supply chain knowledge.

Each year, there are two moments where matching takes place between students  and companies providing thesis projects. Students start in February or in September in your company. Well before these start dates, members can submit project proposals, assisted by the ESCF. These will be circulated via our talent pool, the ESCF student community. Several video pitches of graduate students who found their master thesis project through the ESCF community are available. It gives some examples of how you can add value to one of our community members.

Registered members and registered students can consult the Master student projects or the BEP student projects.

Graduating students rated 9 or higher at ESCF companies make chance to win the Student Award.

The cheque for the best thesis performed at an ESCF company in the year 2023-2024 went to Brian Willems with his thesis “The Truck and Container Problem with Intermodal Delivery Options” conducted at Van den Bosch.

The best thesis performed at an ESCF company in the year 2022-2023 went to Stef Herrebout with his thesis “Data-Driven Decision-Making in Supplier Sustainability Improvement Recommendations” conducted at Philips.

Loïs Aerts is winner of the ESCF Student Award 2021-2022.
Loïs had done the best research and won 1000 Euro, with her thesis on “Spare Parts Planning Accuracy within the Service Supply Network of ASML”

In 2020-2021 the ESCF Student Award was won by Twan Vranken with his thesis on “Improving a Production-Inventory Model in the Multi-Machine, Hybrid MTO-MTS Chemical Industry” which he performed at Sabic. Look here at the Annual Conference video of 2021 to get an impression.

Winner ESCF Student Award 2023-2024