
Supply Chain Explorer





Contact person

Noud Gademann



Zoetermeer and at location of the customer


Optional remote work

(if yes, distribution of days)

Yes. Number of days is flexible depending on project development and preferences of student.


Travel expenses

(own account or reimbursed by the company)

Starting point is usage of own student OV.


Housing arranged by company

(yes or no)



Housing expenses

(how much per month, own account or subsidized by the company)

Own account (no reimbursement)


Internship compensation

Internship allowance, laptop, and other office facilities


Study Program

Operations Management and Logistics (OML)

Artificial Intelligence & Engineering Systems (AI&ES)


ESCF Community



Start date

February 2024


Company description



Project Description

The project revolves around the “supply chain explorer” project, which is initiated by ORTEC and supported by the Data2Move community of the ESCF.

On a tactical or strategic level, supply chain managers define performance indicators(e.g., service level, #average daily production, etc.). Then, they develop operational strategies to meet targets of these criteria. This is often done quarterly or yearly. 

However, often performance indicators drop below their intended target. The cause is that, for example, customer demand has changed or products have been introduced in the portfolio. In this project, we like to work on a new tool that: 

1)    Can detect the causes of changes in performance, leading to performance gaps. This can, for instance, be done by diagnostic data analysis in addition to more traditional performance monitoring.

2)    Determine (automatically) a mitigation strategy or intervention logic that might help to restore the performance.

3)    Quantify the impact of (one or multiple) mitigation strategies on the performance targets. This can, for instance, be done via simulation or optimization.

We will work closely together with a large multinational customer and their supply chain team.


Goals of the project

–   Determine efficient mitigation strategies and quantify       their benefits tailored to our specific customer.

–  Get insights in how to make the next steps with the          supply chain explorer





Essential student knowledge

Supply Chain Optimization


More information www.escf@tue.nl