Logistics researchers present the Data Ambition Matrix
How can you as a company make use of Big Data the upcoming years to work more effectively in a supply chain? And where are you now?
Data2Move is the leading community on the interface of Big Data, Internet of Things, logistics and supply chain management. Academics from Eindhoven University of Technology, Tilburg University and the Jheronimus Academy for Data Science work together with companies like Den Hartogh, Jumbo, Nabuurs, SAP and Philips to find new solutions.
Formulate ambitions
“The community focusses on the usage of data to improve your organization and your supply chain,” says Paul Grefen, member of Data2Move and professor at the School of Industrial Engineering at Eindhoven University of Technology. Data2Move kicked-off in September 2017 and now presents their first tool: the Data Ambition Matrix. Inspired by the industry, Grefen tells: “Based on our collaborations with industry we saw that many companies do understand the importance of data, but have difficulties to formulate focused ambitions and to determine how to realize these ambitions.“
The Data Ambition Matrix is a framework that consists of two dimensions. Grefen: “A horizontal dimension that shows the level of integration of data, and a vertical dimension that shows the realization of this integration. We ask companies to plot themselves three times in the matrix: where are they now, where do they want to be in two years, and in five years?”
Looking beyond silo’s
“At the moment we see that many companies stay stuck at using data in silo’s within their own firm. The Procurement department collects data, the Manufacturing department also collects data, but they are not connected to each other. Then, it could be the case, for example, that the Procurement department purchases too much material because it is unclear what the Manufacturing department needs. The Data Ambition Matrix creates awareness of the opportunities that exist. On the realization axis, you can move forward to the usage of real-time data. On the integration level you can work to market-data-integration.”
“Traditionally materials, finance and workforce were the pillars of a successful firm. Now data is the unneglible fourth pillar,” states Grefen. “In the very near future supply chains will be dynamically shaped by data. If you don’t respond to this as a company, you will lag behind.”