Becoming a data driven organization
Company: Transport en Logistiek Nederland (TLN)
Contact person: Juliette van Neerijnen / Wendy van Hamburg
Location: Zoetermeer
Study Program: Master
ESCF Community: Data2Move
Start date: September 2020 (or any sooner if required)
Housing arranged by company: To be discussed
Internship compensation: To be discussed
Company description
TLN is the branche organization for the transport & logistics sector in The Netherlands. Our stakeholders are our members, sector and national government(al bodies) + EU. We lobby for an attractive climate for entrepreneurship, and a level playing field in The Netherlands and Europe. We support our members with knowledge and expertise.
Project Description
Investigate how TLN could become a data driven organization, set up TLN as data driven organization, analyze data and generate valuable predictions on (logistic) sector(s).
Goals of the project
Make TLN a future proof organization that is able to inform and respond fast and correctly to the members, sector and governments
Dashboards that generate the above (see goals)
Essential student knowledge
Programming skills (f.e. SQL, Python), capabilities to analyze (big) data.
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