What strategies can DB Schenker implement in its Contract Logistics operations to reduce their carbon footprint and promote sustainability while maintaining operational efficiency? – DB Schenker 



Company Name / Department

DB Schenker

Contact Person

Loes Willekens

Location Tilburg (NL)

Optional remote work

Yes, to be discussed
Travel expenses (own account or reimbursed by the company) Reimbursed according to standard DB Schenker commuting allowance scheme
Housing arranged by company No
Housing expenses (how much per month, own account or subsidized by the company) N/A
Internship compensation  € 500,- per month, based on a fulltime internship. Pro-rata compensation for a parttime internship.
Study program Industrial Engineering
ESCF community

Full member

Start date

To be discussed/February 2025


Company Description

    With around 72,700 employees at more than 1,850 locations in over 130 countries, DB Schenker is one of the world’s leading logistics service providers. The company operates land, air, and ocean transportation services, and it also offers comprehensive logistics and global supply chain management solutions from a single source. Aiming for a sustainable future of the logistics industry, DB Schenker continuously invests in innovative transport solutions, renewable energies, and low-emission products for its customers.

    Project Description

    What strategies can DB Schenker implement in its Contract Logistics operations to reduce their carbon footprint and promote sustainability while maintaining operational efficiency?

    Goals of the project

    Research and identify the most effective strategies DB Schenker can implement in their Contract Logistics operations to reduce their carbon footprint.

    – Include modern technologies such as IoT, AI or blockchain in these recommendations.

    – Assess how these sustainability strategies impact operational efficiency.

    – Quantity the environmental benefits of these strategies.

    – Provide implementation recommendations for the proposed strategies/practices.


    A comprehensive overview of effective sustainable practices, fully quantified with regards to their sustainable and operational impact, along with an implementation proposal.


    (Basic) knowledge about Contract Logistics Operations.


     More information: escf@tue.nl  


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