Logistic model agro-food residual- and waste-streams – Supply Chain Valley



Company Name / Department

Supply Chain Valley

Contact Person Jan Vorstermans
 Location Venlo
Optional remote work Yes, TBD
Travel expenses (own account or reimbursed by the company) TBD
Housing arranged by company Help finding
Housing expenses (how much per month, own account or subsidized by the company) TBD
Internship compensation  TBD
Study program
ESCF community

Full member

Start date

September 2023


Company Description



Together with farmers (organisations) and Nijsen Company (https://nijsen.co/en/food-industry/logistics/)

Project Description

Project description:

Develop a logistic model for residual and waste streams with which the orchestrating role can be executed.

Goals of the project:

A logistic model/tool that makes it possible to orchestrate the agro-food residual and waste streams in order to facilitate processing these products for higher rank in the food. In order to ensure that national efforts against food waste are informed by a solid evidence base and support sharing of innovation and best practice, the EU has been working on augmenting and improving the quantification of food waste levels. The revised Waste Framework Directive adopted on 30 May 2018 requires Member States to reduce food waste at each stage of the food supply chain, monitor food waste levels and report back regarding progress made. 


    A logistic model with a clear orchestrator role.

      Essential student knowledge:

      Logistics; eager to help upcycle the residual- and waste.


      More information: escf@tue.nl  


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