ESCF Circular

We are happy to announce that we received an official statement that the grant for “Transitioning to a Circular Business Ecosystem” has been received.

The ESCF Circular LINCIT program will guide the involved companies to embrace a circular business ecosystem.

The ambition is to (1) increase the circularity level to at least 20% and (2) reduce greenhouse gas emissions by 49% in 2030, in line with national policy. The project design is based on a Living Lab with three use case clusters: (1) reusable packaging and transport items, (2) servitization and remanufacturing, and (3) circular plastics.

Involved partners
More than thirty companies (both SMEs and large), researchers and students from the Eindhoven University of Technology, HU University of Applied Sciences, NHL Stenden University, Wageningen University & Research, and several knowledge institutes such as ESCF are involved in this TKI Dinalog approved program which runs from 2023 till 2025.

Learn more about this program: