The Annual Conference on the 19th of September was closed by the ESCF Student Award 2022-2023 ceremony. The third edition of the ESCF Student Awards was won by Stef Herrebout with his thesis ‘Data-Driven Decision-Making in Supplier Sustainability Improvement Recommendations’ conducted at Philips.

Other nominees were:

On our YouTube channel you can find the movie of the nominees and the after movie with the first reaction of the winner of the ESCF Student Award and the supervisor from University of Technology Eindhoven. Soon, we will publish videos of the nominees and the winner themselves telling what their thesis is about..

The most extraordinary Master Student talents from the Eindhoven University of Technology use the finest academic knowledge to help affiliated ESCF members and enrich the supply chain knowledge. ESCF members can submit project proposals, assisted by the ESCF. These will be circulated via our talent pool, the ESCF student community. Graduating students rated 9 or higher at ESCF companies make a chance to win the ESCF Student Award.