Enabling professionals in and around supply chains to create value by generating, exchanging and integrating knowledge and collectively exploring the future.

About ESCF

The European Supply Chain Forum is powered by the Department of Industrial Engineering and Innovation Sciences at the Eindhoven University of Technology (TU/e). ESCF works with over 50 leading global players sharing problems and insights related to Supply Chain Management and has become an ecosystem of multi-disciplinary professionals interested in operations and supply chain management. The unique value of ESCF is that it combines talent, knowledge, and network in one ecosystem. Via ESCF you can scout and acquire top talent in Supply Chain Management, link to academic knowledge, and a high-level network of peers. 


In order to create more value for the ESCF members,  ESCF ecosystem extends into a number of communities: Data2Move, ESCF High Tech Community (EHTC), Customer-Driven Transformation (CDT) and Servitization. Smaller players like SME’s and start-ups also participate in our communities. While ESCF full members can participate in all communities, a community member mainly operates in her community. By doing so, we allow startup, scaleup, large and multi-national organizations to join and participate in the ESCF ecosystem.

Want to know more? Please visit the about page!

Recent ESCF news

ESCF Circular program LINCIT in the spotlight on Dutch national TV

March 12, 2024
To enable wider dissemination of LINCIT, we took part in the television program SBS ‘Doe maar duurzaam’, which will be broadcasted on March 16 on SBS6. This happens to coincide with the week of the circular economy. The Dutch TV program focuses on innovative solutions to various sustainability issues. It weekly portrays how we all […]

Arrival of new community: ESCF LifeScience

January 31, 2024
Lately, we have been addressing more and more LifeScience issues. That is why ESCF started a community with a LifeScience background. The community focuses on collective exploration of research topics, including automated decision-making, yield enhancement, artificial intelligence, digital twins, intelligent planning, and seamless logistics within Life Science manufacturing supply chains. By fostering a collaborative and cross-disciplinary ecosystem […]

Stef Herrebout wins ESCF Student Award 2022-2023

October 2, 2023
The Annual Conference on the 19th of September was closed by the ESCF Student Award 2022-2023 ceremony. The third edition of the ESCF Student Awards was won by Stef Herrebout with his thesis ‘Data-Driven Decision-Making in Supplier Sustainability Improvement Recommendations’ conducted at Philips. Other nominees were: On our YouTube channel you can find the movie of […]


Our communities


Data2Move is a community on the interface of the Internet of Things, Big Data and Logistics/Supply Chain Management. Academics and students from TU/e collaborate with prominent industry partners to deliver results that are both practically and scientifically relevant.


High Tech Systems have some unique properties that should be taken into account in supply chain management. These properties include the complexity of the products themselves, long lead times of components, etc. This combination creates high volatility in demand, which makes it complex for organization to do business.

Customer-Driven Transformation

The Customer-Driven Transformation initiative is a research community and eco-system on the interface of the End-to-End Supply Chain. Academics and students from TU/e collaborate with prominent industry partners to create network communities and deliver results that are both practically and scientifically relevant.


Servitization becomes a growing trend. This implies that firms shift from a product-centric business model and logic to a service-centric approach. Our ambition is to create awareness and provide insights and solutions for servitization challenges, which are both technical and organizational in nature.