Workshop Data2Move: Data as a Key-Enabler of an Efficient Energy Transition

Workshop Data2Move: Data as a Key-Enabler of an Efficient Energy Transition
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Date and Time
06/02/2024, 12:00 - 17:30

Location: 't Boshuys Best

Data as a Key-Enabler of an Efficient Energy Transition

Future business success relies on effective strategies for the energy transition. In this workshop, we bring together two boardroom-centric discussions: the expansive role of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in the digital transformation, and strategic responses to energy transition challenges. This workshop is aimed to inspire and step outside your day-to-day business concerns, and think about what the future will bring and how to strategically prepare for it.

As a first speaker, dr. Stephan Meisel is an expert on the intersection of energy, logistics, and AI. Before joining the University of Twente, he hold positions at the University of Munster and at Princeton University. He will share his view on decentralized energy storage and the financial value of electrical vehicles.

After that, we turn our attention to Project PX,  a project focusing on reusable packaging solutions as an alternative to the traditional cardboard box. PX’s aim is to replace 100 cardboard deliveries with just one reusable unit. This environmentally-friendly initiative was inspired by Ruud Weiss, a former corporate professional who shifted his focus to sustainability. Bartu Arslan, a PhD candidate from TU/e, contributes to the project by developing a simulation model that analyzes and increases supply chain efficiency through inventory optimization. Both Ruud and Bartu will share their insights with us!

After the break, dr. Albert Schrotenboer from the TU Eindhoven will highlight the essential role of AI and the digital transformation in the Energy Transition, from a logistics perspective. This will be combined with a workshop on the design of supply chains in a hydrogen-based economy. The goal is to provoke your thoughts on how Supply Chain Management (SCM) and logistics will develop and what steps are essential to take now. This will be interactive and performed in smaller groups. After the workshop we discuss and compare our solutions. We end with drinks and networking opportunities.

Tentative program
12:00 – 13:00: Networking Lunch
13:00 – 13:15: Opening by Albert Schrotenboer, Data2Move Research Director
13:15 – 13:45: Keynote Lecture by dr. Stephan Meisel, University of Twente
13:45 – 14:15: Practice-Based Research: Project PX – reusable packaging to replace cardboard boxes
14:15 – 14:45: Coffee Break
14:45 – 16:15: Workshop: “Design Supply Chains in a (green)hydrogen-based economy”
16:15 – 16:30: Latest Updates of Data2Move and closing remarks
16:30 – 17:30: Drinks and Networking Opportunities

The location of this workshop will be ‘t Boshuys Best.


Please register for the workshop by using the button below. You can comment on any dietary restrictions, or other important information.

Bookings are closed for this event.