Date and Time
24/02/2022, 13:30 - 17:30
The successful deployment of servitization depends to a large extent on the front end of innovation. However, many manufacturers are geared towards innovating products and lack experience in service innovation. As a consequence, services remain at the ‘service as an add-on’ stage. How can firms develop integrated product service systems (PPSs) and successfully develop service portfolios?
13:00-13:30 – Welcome, walk-in
13:30-13:45 – Introduction
13:45-14:30 – Presentation on “Designing for XaaS” by Marcel Boosten | Philips
14:30-15:00 – Steer networking and interactive session
15:00-15:30 – Break
15:30-16:15 – Presentation on “Design for Service” by Joris ten Thije | ThermoFisher
16:15-16:45 – Steer networking and interactive session
16:45-17:00 – Closing remarks
17:00-18:00 – Network drinks, closure
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Please register for the workshop by using the button below. You can comment on any dietary restrictions, or other important information.Bookings are closed for this event.