Date and Time
28/11/2023, 17:00 - 21:30
The theme of this Executive Table is the impact of innovation and how technology changes be accommodated by individual people and organizations.
We will start with a short tour in the electric production by Peter Raaijmakers (DAF, Assistant Director Operations) , which will illustrate the big impact of electrification on a truck producer.
Next we have invited Christian Kromme , futurist and entrepreneur, to talk to us about how to do surf the technology waves while keeping it in harmony with nature , people and organizations.
Go Digital and stay Human is his motto. We expect you to be inspired by his energetic talk.
Janco Spiekhout (DAF, manager Innovation and Improvement Operations) will take us back to the reality of every day and talk about the way DAF is handling innovation and continuous improvement.
In the final break out we will try to integrate all that we learned today in some insights to share amongst ourselves.