ESCF Talent Table “Environmental Social and Governance”

ESCF Talent Table "Environmental Social and Governance"
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Date and Time
08/10/2024, 13:00 - 20:00

Location: De Turfhoeve

The next ESCF Talent Table, October 8th, 13.00-20.00h, we offer you an interesting program with a theme Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG). How to move forward in a sustainable work environment.

Environmental, Social  and Governance (ESG) allows companies to contribute to create a sustainable future. Wondering what that means for you?  During this ESCF Talent Table we explain what ESG is, why it is so important and how you can successfully apply ESG in your organization.


13.00-13.30h Arrival

13.30-13.45h Welcome & Introduction Theme ESG

13.45-14.15h Setting the scene / dr. Layla Martin (ESCF – TU/e)

14.15-14:45h Keynote: Ewals Cargo Care & Van der Wal Transport / Bram Ewals (CEO) & Henk van der Wal (CEO)

14.45-15.25h Break + drive to Ewals Traffic port

15.25-16.25h Tour (Trailer + Driver Facilities / Peter Bouten (ECC: Operations Manager Fleetcontrol)

16.25-17.05h Drive to Turfhoeve Sevenum

17.05-19.15h Dinner & 3 Roundtables

19.05-19.20h Summary of the day & Closing

19.20-20.00h Closing drinks