Data2Move: Data-driven inventory

Data2Move: Data-driven inventory
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Date and Time
27/10/2020, 10:00 - 12:00

Location: Online event

Want to know more about the data-driven inventory initiatives of our Data2Move partners? Then join our event and learn how Vendrig and Philips are turning data into value.


10:00 – 10:10                Welcome
10:10 – 10:30                Dynamic inventory management for repairs and replacements (Vendrig + TKT + MM Guide)
10:30 – 10:50                Plan for every part – Machine learning for inventory master data settings (Philips)
10:50 – 11:00                Break
11:00 – 11:45                Interactive panel discussion
11:45 – 12:00                Wrap-up


Dynamic inventory management for repairs and replacements

Vendrig runs a full-service workwear laundry with replacements and repairs. Rudolf Vendrig (CEO of Vendrig Laundries), Bastiaan Slop (MM Guide) and Patrick Vetkamp (MM Guide) have worked together to get a better grip on predicting replacements and repairs. They will share how this joint effort during the project of a Data2Move student project has resulted in lower inventory levels (37% lower!) while improving service levels from 66% to 95%.

Plan for every part – Machine learning for inventory master data settings

At Philips, the “plan for every part” initiative drives the journey from local Excel files to global harmonization, which is an essential step to benefit form machine learning and AI. Feyza Gilbaz (Supply Chain Consultant at Philips Innovation Services) and Joep Atol (TU/e master student) will explain how their machine learning model, designed to inform the master data settings of Philips’ inventory management system, accelerates the inventory learning cycle.


As it was inevitably the case for both Vendrig and Philips, the pandemic has turned the routines and operations of many Data2Move partners upside down. Jan Leensen (Jumbo) witnessed, and dealt with, the rapid shift from offline to online grocery shopping. Feyza Gilbaz (Philips) helped to scale up Philips’ production of ventilation equipment for intensive care. Roos Rooijakkers (Pipple) knows the logistics of “testing testing testing” like no one else. And Rodulf Vendrig is getting ready for the industrial washing of facemasks. As these four people witness the enduring effects of the pandemic first-hand, we’ll have an open discussion with them sharing their experiences (spoiler alert: proper data management and supply chain visibility might turn out to be even more important now than ever before).

We will meet online, but that does not mean it won’t be interactive. In fact, the interaction as already kicked off: Share your questions for our four panelists here.


– Dynamic inventory management for repairs and replacements by Data2Move:
Click here for presentation

– Plan for every part – Machine learning for inventory master data settings by Philips:
Click here for presentation

