Date and Time
15/11/2022, 12:30 - 18:00
Giving the customer what the customer wants – understanding customer preferences and adapting supply chain decisions accordingly
In modern supply chains, customers usually have the choice among multiple providers. For example, multiple grocery retailers have stores in proximity to a customer. It is often not clear what drives a customer’s choice, customers may choose based on brand preferences, price differentiation, or distance, to only name a few. For companies, it is paramount to understand how their customers choose providers, and adapt their decision accordingly. In this workshop, we will look at challenges and solution approaches for improving our customer understanding, and subsequently our decision-making using examples from academia and practice.
Keyspeaker Tobias Crönert is a Senior Consultant for McKinsey & Company and, until recently, was a doctoral candidate at the Technical University of Munich (TUM). His research focuses on decision-making under simultaneous competition, with a particular focus on integer or binary decisions (e.g., in location problems). In his work for McKinsey, he predominantly consults clients in the automotive industry including major OEMs and automotive suppliers across Europe. Prior to joining McKinsey in 2017, he studied Mechanical Engineering at TUM, including staying abroad in Waterloo, Canada and Rotterdam, Netherlands.
Customer centricity along the supply chain in theory and praxis
Our highly interconnected value chains are vulnerable by design, these days we experience a “perfect storm” of events disrupting operations. Companies need to react on different time horizons from short-term firefighting to defining their “next normal” supply chain. Yet, across all horizons one lever is key: Understanding what the customer wants. We look at several case studies of innovative applications of customer centricity in the supply chain along different industries (e-commerce, retail, automotive) in praxis before discussing a rather theoretical example of understanding customer needs through observations of competitor behavior in a competitive retail location.
12:30 Walk in & Lunch
13:30 Introduction (Layla Martin)
13:45 Breakout session 1
14:30 Result & discussion breakout session 1
14:45 Keyspeaker Customer-centered decision making (Tobias Crönert)
15:15 BREAK
15:40 Breakout session 2
16:30 Result & discussion breakout session 2
16:45 Bring ideas to paper!
What would you like to look into with a student? Where do you see collaboration options?
17:15 DRINKS
Breakout sessions
Compared to previous workshops, we will dedicate more time to discussions in smaller groups and each group will discuss different topics. For each of the breakout sessions, we defined three topics and we would like to ask you to indicate your preferences while signing up (e.g., “among 1A-1C, I prefer 1C over 1A over 1B, and among 2A-2C, I prefer 2B over 2C over 2A”).
Choices breakout session 1
1A) Which objectives do customers follow?
1B) Which alternatives would the customers like?
1C) What does unavailability of a service entail?
Choices breakout session 2
2A) Which communication preferences do your customers have?
2B) How can you collect data and forecasts in a structured way and turn it into actionable insights?
2C) Real-time insights: Is it worth it?
We will use your preferences as indicated by the COMMENT section below to assign you to breakout sessions.
Please register for the workshop by using the button below. You can comment on any dietary restrictions, or other important information.Bookings are closed for this event.