AI Planner of the Future annual event

AI Planner of the Future annual event
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Date and Time
15/06/2023, 14:00 - 17:30

Location: Eindhoven University of Technology

This event aims to bring together our PhD candidates, EAISI researchers and you as professionals to explore the latest advancements and exchange valuable insights. The event will feature a research and poster presentation of PhD candidates which will be followed by interactive discussion and feedback sessions.

Tentative Program
14:00 Welcome speech by dr. Laurens Bliek and dr. Frauke Behrendt, Managers AI Planner of the Future
14:10 Keynote speaker by prof. Wim Nuijten, Artificial Intelligence Systems Institute (EAISI) at TU/e
14:30 PhD Presentation I – Decision making & Performance
Project 9, 11, 12 & Discussion
15:20 Break
15:40 PhD Presentation II – Fulfillment & Last-mile
Project 3, 6, 7 & Discussion
16:30 PhD Poster session
Project 1, 2, 8 – Forecasting & Planning
Project 4, 5, 10 – Sustainability & Reflection
17:20 Closing / Drinks


Please register for the workshop by using the button below. You can comment on any dietary restrictions, or other important information.

Bookings are closed for this event.