Date and Time
15/06/2023, 14:00 - 17:30
This event aims to bring together our PhD candidates, EAISI researchers and you as professionals to explore the latest advancements and exchange valuable insights. The event will feature a research and poster presentation of PhD candidates which will be followed by interactive discussion and feedback sessions.
Tentative Program
14:00 Welcome speech by dr. Laurens Bliek and dr. Frauke Behrendt, Managers AI Planner of the Future
14:10 Keynote speaker by prof. Wim Nuijten, Artificial Intelligence Systems Institute (EAISI) at TU/e
14:30 PhD Presentation I – Decision making & Performance
Project 9, 11, 12 & Discussion
15:20 Break
15:40 PhD Presentation II – Fulfillment & Last-mile
Project 3, 6, 7 & Discussion
16:30 PhD Poster session
Project 1, 2, 8 – Forecasting & Planning
Project 4, 5, 10 – Sustainability & Reflection
17:20 Closing / Drinks
Please register for the workshop by using the button below. You can comment on any dietary restrictions, or other important information.Bookings are closed for this event.