AI Planner of the Future

The AI (Artificial Intelligence) PLANNER OF THE FUTURE ambitious research program focuses on the increasing intertwining of technology and human aspects in the context of AI planning for supply chains and logistics. The European Supply Chain Forum (ESCF), the department Industrial Engineering and Innovation Sciences (IE&IS), the Eindhoven Artificial Intelligence Systems Institute (EAISI), and the Logistics Community Brabant signed a long-term collaboration agreement.
Reach out to us to be part of this ambitious research program with your data, challenges, and all AI planning-related questions!
The AI planner of the future program needs a broad range of research fields and a rich set of involved companies. We have both! We combine the extensive knowledge of researchers from all multi-disciplinary IE&IS domains and the real-life living labs of European Supply Chain Forum companies from diverse industries. All industries are involved: fast-moving consumer goods, omnichannel retailing, last-mile logistics, services, health, transport and mobility, high-tech industries, etc.

The research program is a unique research and valorization network. It combines 25 Artificial Intelligence researchers, 10 Ph.D. students, and over 50 Bachelor and Master students, for five years (2021-2026). This program is hosted by the TU/e-based Department of Industrial Engineering & Innovation Sciences. It is supported by the European Supply Chain Forum, the Department of Industrial Engineering & Innovation Sciences, the Eindhoven Artificial Intelligence Systems Institute (EAISI), and Logistics Community Brabant.
There is more to AI in logistics than building algorithms to predict an outcome. The program’s strength lies in studying the people-AI-logistics interface with an interdisciplinary team.
The transition towards a more data-driven supply chain and a more sustainable one should go hand in hand.
In research and industry contexts, we need to keep in mind how innovations around AI relate to digital society and sustainability challenges
A fantastic broad Research and Development program covering many essential aspects of Artificial Intelligence in a Supply Chain and Logistics setting.