Data2Move Workshop, February 6, 2024
Topic: Data as a Key-Enabler of an Efficient Energy Transition

The first ESCF workshop of 2024 took place on February 6 on the topic of Data as a Key-Enabler of an Efficient Energy Transition. 

As our first speaker, dr. Stephan Meisel from the University of Twente shared with us his experience on the importance of modeling uncertainty and data availability in the context of renewable energy challenges in a logistics context. He shared with us the essential elements of applying data-driven algorithms for efficiently operating energy storage systems and the challenges that are there for large-scale adoption of electric fleets. 

After that, Project PX was presented by Ruud Weiss and Bartu Arslan, who together gave an inspiring session about a start-up on reusable plastic bags, the need for this from a sustainability perspective, and the difficulty of finding the sweet spot for viable business models to operate reusable packaging supply chains.

After a well-deserved coffee break, a workshop was held in which the participants developed a Data, Energy & Sustainability Roadmap, in which data and IT requirements of a company, their business model, and value chain are linked to several innovation projects to achieve sustainability goals.

It became clear that large-scale adoption of electric vehicles and renewable energy solutions will radically change how logistics systems are operated, not only impacting the logistics sector itself but also the services they can and must provide to their customers. The workshop ended with a group discussion, after which the participants enjoyed some refreshing drinks. 

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